Monday 11 August 2014

The geographic language suggests the beginning of allergy

The relief on the tongue can be enhanced or disappears as a result of a number of factors-infections, irritation from food. It is possible for a long time to no spots on the tongue and at a given moment to reappear under provocation. As to whether the child has allergies or not-prove it with testing in children over three years, and with the study of specific immunoglobulins in the blood of children under three years.

Geographic tongue is in children predisposed to allergies, that still does not mean you are allergic. These kids get sick more often and tend to receive more often enlarged lymph nodes under normal respiratory infections.

Usually these spots on the tongue is exacerbate before illness. It is not something to worry about. But in all cases, you should seek a consultation with a specialist, if symptoms continue for more than ten days, if there's a problem with breathing, if the language become swollen, appear problems with talking, chewing, or swallowing.

You should distinguish between geographic tongue and furrowed tongue. The first is not a serious condition, but it's an uncomfortable feeling. Geographic tongue can be seen still at the infant age, but often remains in the coming years. It is more lightly hurt by knurled language. If the geographic language that does not heal. A person with such language, while eating, do not feel pain. This is the main difference between geographical and furrowed tongue.

With knurled language spice immediately has an impact. language is obtained when eating spicy, salty, fried, hard.

How does geographic tongue?

The language has a particular scaling of circles that while be extended in the Middle heal. And appear whitish zones that are sharply expressed and resemble a geographical map. In some cases, such spots are there for 1-2 months. If not treated properly, it can last up to 5-6 years of age, and then subside.
Folk medicine recommends a general treatment for strengthening the body. Morning, noon and night 10 minutes before eating to drink 1 cup of 25-50 years (according to the age of the child) decoction of agrimoniâ, red and St. John's wort, Chamomile (color), mint, and piperita (leaves and color)-50 g from each. From this mixture 1 tablespoon is brewing with 250 g of boiling water, boil 5 more minutes on low heat. Once cool, strain and drink sweetened with pure honey or sugar, and 1-2 drops of lemon juice.

Forgetting to save brain overload

Forgetting pursues many people throughout their lives. It is especially expressed in the moments of great mental stress and worries.
Forgetting is a peculiar defense of human brain by excessive load. And often it happens in the most important and responsible moments. To avoid this happening, you need to fight him, but not with drugs.

For starters, change your lifestyle: spend more time in the fresh air, because the blood vessels they need oxygen to function normally. Bother with sport-exercise noticeably improve blood circulation in the blood vessels. And finally: give yourself enough sleep-not less than 8 hours per day. Relaxation is very important for the brain. Any fatigue is bad for a person's ability to remember, so you better make the breaks in the work, move more.
Take care and nutrition, don't miss breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you do not have the ability to eat normally, eat while in a hurry-this helps to restore the level of sugar in the blood. Remember, a lot of it depends on the mental activity. It is noted that memory is often worse in women who are plagued with diets. And that's logical, because the main substance which foods the brain is glucose and it is turned off from the menu of weakening. Moreover, during the diet the brain cannot get other useful substances, such as memory unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids in them the fish in vegetable oil in nuts and seeds.
You can strengthen your memory and using the Healing aromas. Peppermint scent stimulate managing memory brain centers. So a cup of peppermint tincture or tea in the morning will be very useful. From the essential oils we recommend even those of Rosemary, basil, cedar, lemon and some others. You can make your bath with these same essential oils.

Suspicious is the increase of many lymph nodes.

Tuberculosis can be suspect in frequent or prolonged atypical pneumonia in the upper part of the lung, as well as in the Pleurisy. In statistics, 80 percent of  are unproven tuberculosis. But there is one positive element-primitive tuberculosis are not infectious.

Most commonly it occurs in patients with chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases in diabetes, Ulcer of stomach and duodenum.
It affects the lymph nodes

Hi! My nephew suffers from tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Please reply treatable and how family members can help the patient to more rapid healing.

Tuberculosis of lymph nodes may be manifested in different forms:

The most happening of the cervical lymph nodes. Sick mostly children and young people up to the age of 25. These lymphomas can be an expression of organ tuberculosis. In most cases, it's about a specific Bacillus tuberculosis infection. In 38 per cent of these cases affect the oral cavity and the organs in the neck. The primary outbreak often found in the tonsils and more rarely in the gums. When tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes are located under the corner of a damaged lower jaw deep cervical nodes.

In the process include the neighboring nodes. Usually the process is one-sided, but it is possible to be t affected units and on the other, the opposite side. If the primary home locate in the gums, it degrades and other nodes.
What to note
When TB long time experience weakness, decreased performance, slight fever, and sweating at night-sometimes slightly, other times is so thoroughly that you have to change your underwear and pillow. In the second half of the day, especially in the evening, you may receive the "chills" and become cold. Often these events disturbed people in the winter, and in summer pass. Of course, this complex of symptoms may not be tuberculosis, but better to explore, to reject this possibility. And to clarify the cause of your condition. Very suspicious begins to matter, if these symptoms are accompanied with prolonged cough with phlegm, especially in sputum of blood-but it's not compulsory symptom.

For someone early in the disease's characteristic pallor, for others the opposite-red cheeks.

In General, when patients weaken, although the medical practice meet and complete, healthy appearance of people.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Externa is much more common than you might guess

Starting the "offensive", the fungus causing damage, not only of the tonsils, but also of other organs of the throat. And most of these parasites proves to the middle ear. The inflammation is called otitis media. The yeast form of occurs much more often than you might guess.

The most dangerous of the ears is black manufacturer  citric acid. At this the man suffers from itching-it is also a typical symptom of a yeast infection. In this case, otit″t is a sustainable character, antibiotics practically did not help. Maximum you can do is just barely to reduce inflammation and pain. So:
Prepare a garlic-eucalyptus oil: grind the press head of garlic and mix it with half a cup of refined vegetable oil and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil.  in the diseased ear 3-4 drops twice a day.

The infection of the feet and nails is always associated with weak immunity

They occur very often, almost every fifth adult inhabitant of the Earth. And are always associated with lowered immunity. This is exactly like that. However another provocative factor are those diseases which lead to disruption of the blood supply in the lower extremities. Most often these are varicose disease and anemia. The danger in this case is, i.e.
The most important thing is to heal the disease. And then runs protective″bičnata therapy. From this obsessive infection you can get in this way.

For it the gut

Millions of people are exposed to fungal infections, and one of the most prevalent pathologies of the intestines, it is most common candidiasis. And affect various allergies. They appear suddenly after a cold and stresses or treatment with antibiotics. Here's what the experts recommend:
Change your way of eating. First of all opt out of jam-fungi just love it. Don't get carried away on the salty, pungent, fatty and fried dishes. Not recommended and spices – vinegar, black pepper, hot pepper, mustard, horseradish, and egg yolk. Categorically prohibits any alcohol, and allergen products: citrus, nuts, honey, red-orange fruits and vegetables.

Fast acting poisons in the blood

Fast acting poisons in the blood Poisonings are random-household, food, medicated, professional (when not assuming or neglecting the presence of poison), and intentional (suicide and murder by poison). According to the effect of the action the most severe acute poisonings are occurring from a one-off, but a strong impact of the poison on the body. They run fast, eventful and can finish the healing process fatally or is slow. Chronic poisonings are the result of penetration of small quantities of poisons over a long period of time. The fastest occurs the action of poisons in their falling directly into the blood. Slower acting poison inhalation, and the slowest-oral or falling on the skin. Poison action of substances can be manifested with varying strength according to body weight, body condition, age, and other physiological factors. Repeated entry of the same poison in the body often is observed modifying the otrovitelniâ effect to gain (increased sensitivity of the body) or to weight loss (habituation of the body).

The reason for the call may be the increased ability of the body to destroy the kind of poison, to produce antibodies against it. Unfortunately, the human body cannot adjust to all poisons. Then the question arises: How to prevent the danger? For some poisons already has a rescue issue, through the so-called. antidotes-antidotes. The prevention and the termination of a deal with poison antidotes, researchers in the field of toxicology. Have already achieved significant successes in uncovering the mechanism of toxic action of a number of substances, which led to the creation of specific antidotes for them (antidote therapy).
Effect of antidotes may be based on different principles-photochemical and biochemical. Depending on various antidotes. Some of them interact with poisons, such as form a more complex non-toxic compounds or keep them on its surface (physic-chemical antidotes). Other successfully compete in their attempt to poison contact important physiological centers or displace them from their connections with these centers in the body (biochemical antidotes)therapy, however, is not omnipotent. It is effective if applied immediately, at the initial stage of poisoning. In addition, this therapy is only part of the overall system for the treatment of poisonings. When the first symptoms If you suspect that you are poisoned, you should immediately seek medical assistance or call 911. If you find it difficult to do so, you need to know how to administer first aid. It depends on what substance caused the poisoning. However, there are some general principles of first aid: If the poison is splashed on skin, wash area first with water and remove your clothes, because they too can have a poisonous substance. -In your eyes wash them thoroughly with running water. -Inhalation of noxious substances have to rinse your mouth and, if possible, take plenty of fluids. -You need to step out of the room to get some fresh air.

 The clothing is also desirable to remedy can be taken part by poisonous substances. -If it is not possible to follow these requirements, at least unbutton their clothes and get fresh air. -If the person next to you slip into unconsciousness, serve under his nose cotton moistened with a solution of ammonia, and stopping of breathing, give him artificial respiration. If the poison is found in your stomach, you should drink several glasses of water with activated carbon-1 g per kg body weight, and try to induce vomiting.

Monday 4 August 2014

May Cause Cancer in the gastrointestinal tract,

According to the experts of the World Health Organization. -What are the results of your samples in this season? -Since 1999, when control was repealed by the Government of Ivan to emphasize it, contaminated products available in the market, are more and more. In this season of 10 salads at most two prove to be the norm for the safety of the who. So does illnesses that are the result of contaminated foods, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, heart attack, malformations in babies, autism, diabe″t, are the result of pollution. We are now one of the first places in the European Union. In the table of who we are in the top ten. In State institutions work against control.
 -Why? Because any Government after the cancellation of the  time did not make steps toward the preservation of Bulgarian State standards for product safety.  even when we were sent a statement about the State of control over foodstuffs, not only did nothing to change the situation, well, responding that he was not a specialist. Little hope came with the statements of Minister , that will restore the Bulgarian standards, control of nitrate with the creation of the Agency for the safety of food. The Agency has it, but it even works against control by not giving conclusions for the studied products. -How so? -Proof of this are the documents issued. They have nothing to do with the safety of the products, and are just having receipts. Laboratory tests reveal their contents of nitrates, but don't make any conclusion about their safety. So the average person to understand what work, harmful or useful will eat. Does not recognize the standards of who and don't make a conclusion on the safety according to them. In this way, invalidate the work throughout the Agency. And people who buy fruits and vegetables? Well, poisoning it. Recently in the laboratories of the Agency was established by Protocol content of nitrates in beet-900 mg. Without a conclusion, that it is dangerous. Because it is four times above the standard of the who, which, again, I repeat, is 50 mg for infants and adults-250 mg per kg of product. No coordination between the requirements of who and our health institutions. -No, no. Here's the report from the laboratory of the Agency, it is clear that it is normal and even for babies, but the incompetent user that doesn't talk to him. There is no conclusion. Whether it is for babies, adults or is unfit. -Well, then what is this agency? -Nothing goes and the work of highly skilled experts in the laboratories of the Agency. At the same time, there is a growing shortage of funds for the treatment of adults and children from non-infectious diseases, which we then counted before. Preventive control of nitrate would reduce disease and hence the cost of treatment.

Not expensive drugs to treat and clean foods will resolve questions about the health of the people. Wil and land and water for future generations in a more pure form. I will tell you a case last year in the greenhouses of one producer, the content of nitrates was over 1500 mg. This led to the complete destruction of this year's vintage of this greenhouse owner. He himself told me that. Uncontrolled fertilizing especially in greenhouses results in destruction of the soil layer and hence the inability to produce the products. So control is important not only for the consumer but also for the producers themselves.

The increased lymph nodes metastasis alert

The GP told me it was a lymph node, which increased after the prekaranata cold. It bothers me if is possible only with an examination to make a diagnosis and what is the possibility of a more serious illness.

Lymph nodes are normally grouped in certain anatomical areas along 10-15 in number, and their function is largely defensive. Such areas have cervical,  These are available for viewing and touching in places. Nodes respond with an increase in various medical stimuli of bacterial toxic and cancer issues. Normal lymph nodes are in sizes from 2 to 20 mm. Typically they do not, can almost cross it out as they are covered with a layer of subcutaneous fat. When too weak people can small lymph nodes with sizes up to about 7-8 mm in those areas. Younger people more easily respond to inflammatory irritation with an increase of lymph nodes than adults. This is why the increase in the lymph nodes in the first place should be interpreted as inflammatory, and in older as neoplastic. After an antibiotic treatment such assemblies gradually reduced in size, and the pain subsides. Often this is used as a test for the determination of the nature of the increase of the nodes.
After inflammatory process are normally not touched small, painful when pressed,  with surrounding tissues, moderately hard enlarged lymph nodes. Such nodes occur in almost all people. With the increase of single nodes you should always exclude the availability of possible hidden primary tumor metastases. These lymph nodes are very dense and often can be recognized only by this scar. They slowly grow and gradually affecting neighboring organs. So are forming conglomerates from lymph nodes.

An important feature is that these units are not painful. They can be primary affected by process as in lymphomas. Most have a generalized increase in the nodes in a specific area, such as packets or in several areas simultaneously. Very often only with the review could not establish the nature of the increase in the lymph nodes.
Exceptions to the rule:

• The review and touching  provide information on the number, density, size, shape, motility, and they suggest that the lymph nodes.

• Lymph node In inflammatory process is mild to moderately dense, according to whether it is acute or chronic inflammation.

• Skin over lymph node is usually browned only in more severe cases.
• The knot is often painful. Typically, when careful examination can detect inflammatory outbreak (pharyngitis, tonsillitis,  disease of the teeth).

• Very often the man has fever and general malaise. Prepare answers

For the treatment of herpes zoster have antivirals

Shingles affects skin and peripheral nerves in a particular area of the body. The location can be on the head, body and limbs. The disease is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, also known as smallpox. In the first attack of the virus begins with chicken pox as it happens most often in childhood. immune system suppresses the virus, but he remains hidden in an inactive state in the structures of the peripheral nerves of the body. Under certain conditions, however, have the opportunity to appear again, but I already like herpes. This most often happens when the weakening of immune defenses against this virus and, as a consequence, develops the disease herpes zoster.

For some time I have pimples on the back: small bubbles on the right, they are located in one place and are increasing and multiplying. I have chest pains on the right. Shoot the ache, itch and they sting. I used lard, stat, but has no effect. The doctor said that it's about herpes zoster, which cures hard. What would you advise me?

If you really are suffering from Herpes  won't help you because the disease has no allergic components. You need to visit a skin doctor, who can prescribe the proper treatment. Otherwise, the rash will continue to increase its territory and will hurt you a lot.
The weakening of cadences against the virus is most often the result of stress, illness, medications, ionizing radiation, the elderly. It is assumed that approximately 50 percent of people over 80 years may suffer from shingles. The disease usually begins with a darting pain in a specific area of the body that can be felt and in the muscles. Pain may occur on the surface of the skin, but can only have increased sensitivity to touch.

These complaints precede by about 48 hours of the onset of the rash, and in some cases may occur and after 10 days as attack, diseased resemble teeth, Pleurisy, appendicitis, etc. In a small proportion of patients the disease starts with the rash on the skin and the accompanying pain in the area of the injury. The skin starts to get red and compacted, it can swell and some lymph nodes. On the reddened skin appear grouped small vesicles filled with clear liquid. At the time of the occurrence of bubbles the rash is accompanied by severe pain in the affected nerve.

The disease is localized to only one side of the body and the rash is clearly distinguished from the rest of the unaffected skin. In the process of development of the disease pom″ bubbles bursting and covered with bark. After their fall underlying skin stays red for a while.

The treatment is carried out with specific antiviral agents, such as the effect of them only if you are starting in the first 72 hours of the onset of symptoms. The earlier the treatment starts, the more it reduces the likelihood of development of neuralgia.

The prognosis in terms of life and general health of patients is good. In the initial stage of development of the disease treatment by a dermatologist. After the passage of the skin rashes in the case of postzosterna neuralgia must be ingested by a neurologist. Patients with shingles can pass the infection of young children who have not had chickenpox.

Diabetes is a risk factor for heart damage

The World Health Organization estimates that of the globe currently live about 200 million people with overt clinical forms of sugar disease. Every 10 years the number of doubles. In addition, there are many people with the so-called. hidden forms of diabetes who don't even know about it. Most of them refer those with hereditary predisposition, as well as people with abnormal weight. To prove the hidden diabetes, made a study of the blood sugar level. Early detection of the disease is of great importance, since it can take the dynamic measures to stop its development and avoid complications.

From 16-year-old girl suffering from diabetes. In many troubling experiences which I have not disappeared today, though soon I turned 50 years old. As my age progresses, the more afraid, because I already have complications in the work of the cardiovascular system. But most afraid to not get a myocardial infarction, whatever my mother died at 52 years of age. She also had diabetes, and I'm most likely inherited from her, I've been on insulin. Tell me how to live? Help me strict diet?
Nelly Pavlova –

In the disease is well advanced and the diet will only help you to feel better. But still you must know that the exchange of carbohydrates is largely regulated by insulin-a hormone produced by the pancreas. Increased fusion of insulin in the body usually leads to retention of fat and other harmful substances in tissue depots and in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to atherosclerosis. Conditions under which increases the synthesis of insulin are:

• overeating and obesity;
• consuming large amounts of sweets, pasta, sweet fruits and potatoes.

If overeating has become a habit for a particular person, then create conditions suitable for the development of diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

In mild forms of diabetes  only rigorous, constantly observing the diet allows you to avoid the development of atherosclerosis, which creates conditions for the development of myocardial infarction. As far as the primary forms of diabetes, in addition to the strict observance of the prescribed diet is necessary and systematic treatment, prescribed by a doctor. Necessary because the disease occurs with the absolute lowering of the level of insulin in the blood. This condition is accompanied with a strong synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and enhanced exchange of fats and their reduction in fat stores. This increases the possibility for formation of clots and clogging of heart arteries.
If you don't follow the advice of , diabetes will runs a chronic and progressive, while damaging almost all the systems in the human body, but mostly the cardiovascular system.

Endometriosis is a disease of every second woman!

Endometriosis is a very insidious disease. Remains hidden for a long time, and when it's too late for her treatment. According to statistics from endometriosis suffers every second woman, but for most it is not manifested openly and is diagnosed with ultrasound. Some young women, it has even congenital.

Endometriosis is the growth of  tissue (i.e. lining) of the abnormal tissue (uterus, cervix, the internal genitals, ovaries, fallopian tubes).

During menstruation, the uterus is reduced and menstrual blood can fall into the abdominal cavity. This happens quite often. But under certain circumstances, cells of the endometrium with blood can "get stuck" on the outside of the female organs, to and function as if you are located in the cavity of the uterus.
To promote abortion, heredity, fussing with sports during the monthly cycle. For the mysteries of this very common gynecological disease tells Dr. Marina , a Professor of obstetrics and Gynecology in Moscow.

Mystery No. 1
Why be sick?

A simple answer to this question so far gone. According to many versions about the origin of endometriosis (a disease in which cells of the endometrium, the inner layer of the wall of the uterus – growing beyond its dimensions) the specialists of fun it is called the disease of theories.

In the risk group are business women, idolatresses of solarium and gym. According to one of them for the development of endometriosis helps the return of menstrual blood, which contains particles endometrium and spread outside the uterus – in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and in some cases even further – in the stomach, intestines, lungs, etc. In the unusual environment, hormonally active cells behave as the endometrium in the uterus, causing monthly bleeding, coinciding in time with the menstrual cycle of a woman, and cause pain, increase the volume and inflammation of the  authorities.

Puzzle no 2
Who selects a victim?

A few years ago was thought by endometriosis suffer mostly women of reproductive age from underprivileged backgrounds. Unhealthy diets, poor living conditions that make them vulnerable to the disease.

Now, however, experts disagree: this is the disease of active business women. No wonder: day, frequent business trips associated with transitions in different time zones, promote breakdown of immunity and hormonal disorders. Victims of the disease, and those who become excessive work to maintain a good appearance, often visiting the tanning beds and prefer to rest the warmer resorts during the cold months of the year: excessive stay in the Sun is one of the most powerful factors provoking the growth of  tissue.

In the risk group and the supporters of the gym and dance. Especially when the activities taking place during menstruation, used hygiene swabs, accompanied with a strong climb and high lifting legs, which increases the danger of the return of menstrual blood. Of course, just for these reasons doctors gynecologists advise in these "critical" days not to have sex.

Riddle No. 3
How to exhibit?

The main symptoms of endometriosis pelvic pain during menstruation, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, onset of blood spots before or after menstruation.

Endometriosis often runs as a hidden ectopic pregnancy rupture of ovary, irritable bowel disorder such as a strong, presence of hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and acute appendicitis. Error diagnosis very often leads those patients on the operating table.

Therefore, in endomorphisms patients ' complaints and only the results of the Ultrasound will help to refine the diagnosis. Comprehensive studies are needed that include, and sometimes having to be held and magnetic nuclear resonance.

Puzzle no 4
Why is it treatable?

It is estimated that the disease of women of reproductive age — with the onset of menopause may gradually disappear, which, however, does not preclude the need for treatment that might include surgical and hormonal therapy. It is strictly individual, depending on the woman's age, duration of disease and its localization.
In addition to hormonal therapy include vascular drugs, antioxidants, pharmaceuticals, increasing immunity, held therapy (persistent pain and frequent bleeding violate a woman's mental equilibrium). But even in complex treatment of endometriosis is very difficult to be cured completely. Therefore it is better to prevent, and not to arrive to severe