Monday 11 August 2014

Suspicious is the increase of many lymph nodes.

Tuberculosis can be suspect in frequent or prolonged atypical pneumonia in the upper part of the lung, as well as in the Pleurisy. In statistics, 80 percent of  are unproven tuberculosis. But there is one positive element-primitive tuberculosis are not infectious.

Most commonly it occurs in patients with chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases in diabetes, Ulcer of stomach and duodenum.
It affects the lymph nodes

Hi! My nephew suffers from tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Please reply treatable and how family members can help the patient to more rapid healing.

Tuberculosis of lymph nodes may be manifested in different forms:

The most happening of the cervical lymph nodes. Sick mostly children and young people up to the age of 25. These lymphomas can be an expression of organ tuberculosis. In most cases, it's about a specific Bacillus tuberculosis infection. In 38 per cent of these cases affect the oral cavity and the organs in the neck. The primary outbreak often found in the tonsils and more rarely in the gums. When tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes are located under the corner of a damaged lower jaw deep cervical nodes.

In the process include the neighboring nodes. Usually the process is one-sided, but it is possible to be t affected units and on the other, the opposite side. If the primary home locate in the gums, it degrades and other nodes.
What to note
When TB long time experience weakness, decreased performance, slight fever, and sweating at night-sometimes slightly, other times is so thoroughly that you have to change your underwear and pillow. In the second half of the day, especially in the evening, you may receive the "chills" and become cold. Often these events disturbed people in the winter, and in summer pass. Of course, this complex of symptoms may not be tuberculosis, but better to explore, to reject this possibility. And to clarify the cause of your condition. Very suspicious begins to matter, if these symptoms are accompanied with prolonged cough with phlegm, especially in sputum of blood-but it's not compulsory symptom.

For someone early in the disease's characteristic pallor, for others the opposite-red cheeks.

In General, when patients weaken, although the medical practice meet and complete, healthy appearance of people.

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