Sunday 10 August 2014

Fast acting poisons in the blood

Fast acting poisons in the blood Poisonings are random-household, food, medicated, professional (when not assuming or neglecting the presence of poison), and intentional (suicide and murder by poison). According to the effect of the action the most severe acute poisonings are occurring from a one-off, but a strong impact of the poison on the body. They run fast, eventful and can finish the healing process fatally or is slow. Chronic poisonings are the result of penetration of small quantities of poisons over a long period of time. The fastest occurs the action of poisons in their falling directly into the blood. Slower acting poison inhalation, and the slowest-oral or falling on the skin. Poison action of substances can be manifested with varying strength according to body weight, body condition, age, and other physiological factors. Repeated entry of the same poison in the body often is observed modifying the otrovitelniĆ¢ effect to gain (increased sensitivity of the body) or to weight loss (habituation of the body).

The reason for the call may be the increased ability of the body to destroy the kind of poison, to produce antibodies against it. Unfortunately, the human body cannot adjust to all poisons. Then the question arises: How to prevent the danger? For some poisons already has a rescue issue, through the so-called. antidotes-antidotes. The prevention and the termination of a deal with poison antidotes, researchers in the field of toxicology. Have already achieved significant successes in uncovering the mechanism of toxic action of a number of substances, which led to the creation of specific antidotes for them (antidote therapy).
Effect of antidotes may be based on different principles-photochemical and biochemical. Depending on various antidotes. Some of them interact with poisons, such as form a more complex non-toxic compounds or keep them on its surface (physic-chemical antidotes). Other successfully compete in their attempt to poison contact important physiological centers or displace them from their connections with these centers in the body (biochemical antidotes)therapy, however, is not omnipotent. It is effective if applied immediately, at the initial stage of poisoning. In addition, this therapy is only part of the overall system for the treatment of poisonings. When the first symptoms If you suspect that you are poisoned, you should immediately seek medical assistance or call 911. If you find it difficult to do so, you need to know how to administer first aid. It depends on what substance caused the poisoning. However, there are some general principles of first aid: If the poison is splashed on skin, wash area first with water and remove your clothes, because they too can have a poisonous substance. -In your eyes wash them thoroughly with running water. -Inhalation of noxious substances have to rinse your mouth and, if possible, take plenty of fluids. -You need to step out of the room to get some fresh air.

 The clothing is also desirable to remedy can be taken part by poisonous substances. -If it is not possible to follow these requirements, at least unbutton their clothes and get fresh air. -If the person next to you slip into unconsciousness, serve under his nose cotton moistened with a solution of ammonia, and stopping of breathing, give him artificial respiration. If the poison is found in your stomach, you should drink several glasses of water with activated carbon-1 g per kg body weight, and try to induce vomiting.

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