Monday 11 August 2014

The geographic language suggests the beginning of allergy

The relief on the tongue can be enhanced or disappears as a result of a number of factors-infections, irritation from food. It is possible for a long time to no spots on the tongue and at a given moment to reappear under provocation. As to whether the child has allergies or not-prove it with testing in children over three years, and with the study of specific immunoglobulins in the blood of children under three years.

Geographic tongue is in children predisposed to allergies, that still does not mean you are allergic. These kids get sick more often and tend to receive more often enlarged lymph nodes under normal respiratory infections.

Usually these spots on the tongue is exacerbate before illness. It is not something to worry about. But in all cases, you should seek a consultation with a specialist, if symptoms continue for more than ten days, if there's a problem with breathing, if the language become swollen, appear problems with talking, chewing, or swallowing.

You should distinguish between geographic tongue and furrowed tongue. The first is not a serious condition, but it's an uncomfortable feeling. Geographic tongue can be seen still at the infant age, but often remains in the coming years. It is more lightly hurt by knurled language. If the geographic language that does not heal. A person with such language, while eating, do not feel pain. This is the main difference between geographical and furrowed tongue.

With knurled language spice immediately has an impact. language is obtained when eating spicy, salty, fried, hard.

How does geographic tongue?

The language has a particular scaling of circles that while be extended in the Middle heal. And appear whitish zones that are sharply expressed and resemble a geographical map. In some cases, such spots are there for 1-2 months. If not treated properly, it can last up to 5-6 years of age, and then subside.
Folk medicine recommends a general treatment for strengthening the body. Morning, noon and night 10 minutes before eating to drink 1 cup of 25-50 years (according to the age of the child) decoction of agrimoniĆ¢, red and St. John's wort, Chamomile (color), mint, and piperita (leaves and color)-50 g from each. From this mixture 1 tablespoon is brewing with 250 g of boiling water, boil 5 more minutes on low heat. Once cool, strain and drink sweetened with pure honey or sugar, and 1-2 drops of lemon juice.

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