Monday 4 August 2014

Endometriosis is a disease of every second woman!

Endometriosis is a very insidious disease. Remains hidden for a long time, and when it's too late for her treatment. According to statistics from endometriosis suffers every second woman, but for most it is not manifested openly and is diagnosed with ultrasound. Some young women, it has even congenital.

Endometriosis is the growth of  tissue (i.e. lining) of the abnormal tissue (uterus, cervix, the internal genitals, ovaries, fallopian tubes).

During menstruation, the uterus is reduced and menstrual blood can fall into the abdominal cavity. This happens quite often. But under certain circumstances, cells of the endometrium with blood can "get stuck" on the outside of the female organs, to and function as if you are located in the cavity of the uterus.
To promote abortion, heredity, fussing with sports during the monthly cycle. For the mysteries of this very common gynecological disease tells Dr. Marina , a Professor of obstetrics and Gynecology in Moscow.

Mystery No. 1
Why be sick?

A simple answer to this question so far gone. According to many versions about the origin of endometriosis (a disease in which cells of the endometrium, the inner layer of the wall of the uterus – growing beyond its dimensions) the specialists of fun it is called the disease of theories.

In the risk group are business women, idolatresses of solarium and gym. According to one of them for the development of endometriosis helps the return of menstrual blood, which contains particles endometrium and spread outside the uterus – in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and in some cases even further – in the stomach, intestines, lungs, etc. In the unusual environment, hormonally active cells behave as the endometrium in the uterus, causing monthly bleeding, coinciding in time with the menstrual cycle of a woman, and cause pain, increase the volume and inflammation of the  authorities.

Puzzle no 2
Who selects a victim?

A few years ago was thought by endometriosis suffer mostly women of reproductive age from underprivileged backgrounds. Unhealthy diets, poor living conditions that make them vulnerable to the disease.

Now, however, experts disagree: this is the disease of active business women. No wonder: day, frequent business trips associated with transitions in different time zones, promote breakdown of immunity and hormonal disorders. Victims of the disease, and those who become excessive work to maintain a good appearance, often visiting the tanning beds and prefer to rest the warmer resorts during the cold months of the year: excessive stay in the Sun is one of the most powerful factors provoking the growth of  tissue.

In the risk group and the supporters of the gym and dance. Especially when the activities taking place during menstruation, used hygiene swabs, accompanied with a strong climb and high lifting legs, which increases the danger of the return of menstrual blood. Of course, just for these reasons doctors gynecologists advise in these "critical" days not to have sex.

Riddle No. 3
How to exhibit?

The main symptoms of endometriosis pelvic pain during menstruation, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, onset of blood spots before or after menstruation.

Endometriosis often runs as a hidden ectopic pregnancy rupture of ovary, irritable bowel disorder such as a strong, presence of hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and acute appendicitis. Error diagnosis very often leads those patients on the operating table.

Therefore, in endomorphisms patients ' complaints and only the results of the Ultrasound will help to refine the diagnosis. Comprehensive studies are needed that include, and sometimes having to be held and magnetic nuclear resonance.

Puzzle no 4
Why is it treatable?

It is estimated that the disease of women of reproductive age — with the onset of menopause may gradually disappear, which, however, does not preclude the need for treatment that might include surgical and hormonal therapy. It is strictly individual, depending on the woman's age, duration of disease and its localization.
In addition to hormonal therapy include vascular drugs, antioxidants, pharmaceuticals, increasing immunity, held therapy (persistent pain and frequent bleeding violate a woman's mental equilibrium). But even in complex treatment of endometriosis is very difficult to be cured completely. Therefore it is better to prevent, and not to arrive to severe

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