Monday 4 August 2014

Diabetes is a risk factor for heart damage

The World Health Organization estimates that of the globe currently live about 200 million people with overt clinical forms of sugar disease. Every 10 years the number of doubles. In addition, there are many people with the so-called. hidden forms of diabetes who don't even know about it. Most of them refer those with hereditary predisposition, as well as people with abnormal weight. To prove the hidden diabetes, made a study of the blood sugar level. Early detection of the disease is of great importance, since it can take the dynamic measures to stop its development and avoid complications.

From 16-year-old girl suffering from diabetes. In many troubling experiences which I have not disappeared today, though soon I turned 50 years old. As my age progresses, the more afraid, because I already have complications in the work of the cardiovascular system. But most afraid to not get a myocardial infarction, whatever my mother died at 52 years of age. She also had diabetes, and I'm most likely inherited from her, I've been on insulin. Tell me how to live? Help me strict diet?
Nelly Pavlova –

In the disease is well advanced and the diet will only help you to feel better. But still you must know that the exchange of carbohydrates is largely regulated by insulin-a hormone produced by the pancreas. Increased fusion of insulin in the body usually leads to retention of fat and other harmful substances in tissue depots and in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to atherosclerosis. Conditions under which increases the synthesis of insulin are:

• overeating and obesity;
• consuming large amounts of sweets, pasta, sweet fruits and potatoes.

If overeating has become a habit for a particular person, then create conditions suitable for the development of diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

In mild forms of diabetes  only rigorous, constantly observing the diet allows you to avoid the development of atherosclerosis, which creates conditions for the development of myocardial infarction. As far as the primary forms of diabetes, in addition to the strict observance of the prescribed diet is necessary and systematic treatment, prescribed by a doctor. Necessary because the disease occurs with the absolute lowering of the level of insulin in the blood. This condition is accompanied with a strong synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and enhanced exchange of fats and their reduction in fat stores. This increases the possibility for formation of clots and clogging of heart arteries.
If you don't follow the advice of , diabetes will runs a chronic and progressive, while damaging almost all the systems in the human body, but mostly the cardiovascular system.

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