Monday 11 August 2014

Forgetting to save brain overload

Forgetting pursues many people throughout their lives. It is especially expressed in the moments of great mental stress and worries.
Forgetting is a peculiar defense of human brain by excessive load. And often it happens in the most important and responsible moments. To avoid this happening, you need to fight him, but not with drugs.

For starters, change your lifestyle: spend more time in the fresh air, because the blood vessels they need oxygen to function normally. Bother with sport-exercise noticeably improve blood circulation in the blood vessels. And finally: give yourself enough sleep-not less than 8 hours per day. Relaxation is very important for the brain. Any fatigue is bad for a person's ability to remember, so you better make the breaks in the work, move more.
Take care and nutrition, don't miss breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you do not have the ability to eat normally, eat while in a hurry-this helps to restore the level of sugar in the blood. Remember, a lot of it depends on the mental activity. It is noted that memory is often worse in women who are plagued with diets. And that's logical, because the main substance which foods the brain is glucose and it is turned off from the menu of weakening. Moreover, during the diet the brain cannot get other useful substances, such as memory unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids in them the fish in vegetable oil in nuts and seeds.
You can strengthen your memory and using the Healing aromas. Peppermint scent stimulate managing memory brain centers. So a cup of peppermint tincture or tea in the morning will be very useful. From the essential oils we recommend even those of Rosemary, basil, cedar, lemon and some others. You can make your bath with these same essential oils.

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